Fall Moose Viewing Tips For The North Shore Woods Of Minnesota

As often as I see moose in the Northwoods, you’d think it would become ordinary. I am still awed and stopped dead in my tracks every single time I encounter one of these beasts, so it’s no wonder so many are in pursuit of their first glimpse. With the fall months upon us, I’ll give you a few tips, and a few do’s and don’ts to help maximize your chances and maximize your experience if you do encounter one.

Fall color and a big moose giving me a look in Superior National Forest last fall – 2022 – Minnesota

For many visitors to the North Shore of Minnesota, there’s a list of highlights and hopes they aim to check off each trip. The lists are often long, and many items will remain unchecked, eventually added to the new list. The one for the next trip up The Shore. A slice of pie at Betty’s, a hike to Minnesota’s highest point – Eagle Mountain, donuts and fudge, Bean and Bear, Sven and Ole, a stop at some of the lighthouses, night sky and northern lights, hiking the High Falls, visiting Grand Portage National Monument… the lists can be endless! One of, if not THE most popular and common item I hear about can’t be found on a map, really. It’s iconic, landing on many logos, signs, shirts and shop names. Yet, it seems to remain one of the most elusive for some visitors. It’s Minnesota’s largest mammal, the moose. It often makes “the list” again and again and again. I’ve heard countless tales from visitors whose top priority has been to spot a moose in Minnesota. The stories are often similar. Hours of time spent combing the backroads of Cook and Lake Counties, early, late, the swamps the clearings, the lakes and rivers… to no avail. The search will have to continue on the next trip. Put it on the list. I can’t blame them. As often as I see moose in the Northwoods, you’d think it would become ordinary. I am still awed and stopped dead in my tracks every single time I encounter one of these beasts, so it’s no wonder so many are in pursuit of their first glimpse. With the fall months upon us, I’ll give you a few tips, and a few do’s and don’ts to help maximize your chances and maximize your experience if you do encounter one. Eventually, you will! If you don’t, I have 2024 Minnesota Moose Photo Calendars available for purchase 😉

A fall bull moose silhouetted in pre dawn light – Superior National Forest – MN
A moose track in the mud and fall foliage – Minnesota

Fall and spring are probably the best times of year to spot a moose in Minnesota. They are definitely my favorite times for photographing them. In spring they become more active as winter loosens its’ icy grip on the north. They conserve energy in winter months, and just don’t move around as much as the snow can take it’s toll with travel and moving, even for the long legged moose. So once spring hits, the moose get spring fever and start to move around more and eat more aquatic plants, often feeding early in the mornings and evenings at sunset in the waterways. It’s also the time for pregnant cow moose to give birth to their young. There’s usually one, and often twins for the mama moose in late May to early June. Summer months seem to slow the moose down a bit. You’ll still find them on occasion, often in the water somewhere or in a flash, crossing a road. Late summer marks the start of the moose mating season, or the prelude, at least. In late August to early September, the bull moose will begin to rub off the velvet coating on their antlers, revealing their shiny new head-gear which will become essential in the coming weeks. The bull moose will begin actively pursuing female moose in hopes of mating. Other male moose in the area may have the same idea, and efforts to establish dominance in an area often lead to fights among the males. The largest and strongest will often prevail. The moose will crash their antlers together, digging in and pushing with their heads, thrashing side to side, sometimes twisting until the other is forced to the ground. It’s often brutal and bloody. The pursuit of the female isn’t easy either. She may not be ready, and may not be interested. Most of September can be the lead up. Bulls will spar and fight and eventually, mating will take place. In October, when the rut is over, the bulls will often stay together and hang around in social groups without all the drama of fighting for a mate. This can be a wonderful time for moose watching. All of this activity after a quiet summer can be quite exciting for wildlife photography or just wildlife viewing in the forest. When, where and how often will be key to knocking the moose off your list this fall.

Bull moose often gather in relative peace in fall after mating season has subsided. The weeks prior are often a tense, fight filled event to establish dominance and secure a female
Water break for a cow a youngster last fall in Superior National Forest – Minnesota

When should you go looking for the majestic moose? As our daylight hours decrease in fall, so do our useable light hours for wildlife photography. The wildlife seem to still prefer the morning hours and the evenings, just before and after sunset. Days are cooler, so the wildlife may be more active than summer months throughout the day. It’s worth checking some water spots and clearings any time of day in fall. I’ll often head out well before sunrise, sometimes arriving at or walking into a location in the dark. If I am doing any calling, I may start that before I can even see around me. For most people, getting out into the woods by sunrise is a good place to start. If I only have a couple hours of a day to dedicate to wildlife, it’s always going to be the morning hours if I have a choice. In my opinion, it’s one of the best ways to maximize your chances of crossing the moose off your list.

A young bull moose on a Cook County back road with some fall color in the background – Minnesota
A pair of fall guys. These two bull moose hung around together a lot this particular fall. They aren’t always fighting, so it’s nice to see them calmly interacting and eating. New growth in recently logged areas are a magnet to moose. Look for logging activity to increase your odds of seeing a Minnesota moose

Where is the best place to find a moose this fall on your visit to the North Shore? It really doesn’t matter where you are based or staying on the North Shore corridor if you are hoping to include a moose safari on your trip. The key is to pick a “Trail” and head into the State and National Forests. Your maps will show main roads heading into the woods, away from Lake Superior near almost every town, almost every 30 miles or so up or down 61. Two Harbors, Silver Bay, Schroeder/Tofte/Lutsen, Grand Marais, Hovland and Grand Portage. They all can be a gateway to your moose adventure. Arrowhead Trail, Gunflint Trail, Caribou Trail, Sawbill Trail, Cramer Road… they all make a great starting point and they are all inter connected and rather easy to travel with a little mapping and preplanning homework. You can connect these backroads from Two Harbors to the Canadian border without hitting highway 61, and these roads will lead you to the moose. You’ll always hear a little more about the Gunflint Trail and Highway 1 when it comes to moose sightings, but they are also the most traveled, so it would make sense that they get reported the most. There are moose distributed nicely from Finland area to the Grand Portage area, and I would recommend mixing it up and getting to know a new area each time you head out for a moose expedition. It keeps it fun, and that’s how you find “new places” and new adventures. There’s so much to see and explore on our public forest lands. All of the major “Trails” have secondary arteries, often unpaved but nicely maintained roads leading to lakes, rivers, camping areas. Many of these gravel roads have another tier of roads or fingers off of them. They can be roads of varying degrees of drivability. Some narrow, some rutted, some with trees down. It’s up to you, your comfort level, self rescue ability, and vehicle to decide where the adventure ends on the backroads. These are my favorite spots to look for moose in the fall and spring months.

A bull moose in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness on Labor Day Weekend a few years back. This moose had just recently rubbed the velvet off those twisted, non typical looking antlers.

How you react that first time you spot a moose can dictate how your encounter will unfold. Many encounters are quick, chance, fleeting blurs that happen in an instant. A flash running across a road, a black spot a half mile down the road, a squatchy blob in the woods. You can count it, but it’s not as fun as long, photographable encounter at a feeding area like a swamp or a clearing. Your first reaction may be to jump and holler and celebrate if you see a moose. Be aware, they have VERY good hearing, and may not share in your enthusiasm. Be very quiet, and very still if you’re able. You don’t want them to think you are a threat or a predator. Be still and try to blend in with the background. Stay together, don’t separate if you’re with a group. You may look like a pack of wolves or predators if you are spread out as individuals. Rather, stay close to each other until you and the moose have evaluated the scene and settled in. Often, if the moose doesn’t feel threatened, it will continue feeding or tracking a female. In fall, it likely isn’t too concerned with you if you’re cool. Be cool. If you encounter a moose on a road while in your vehicle, slowly pull over, stop and shut off the car. Wait before trying to open the doors for photos or a better view. A sudden stop and door opening will likely scare a moose off. Waiting while the moose assesses the vehicle can often result in the moose seeing no real threat and continuing on with it’s day. Sometimes you’ll be able to quietly photograph them acting more natural and unthreatened if you give them a few minutes to gain some comfort and trust. It’s often worth it.

A cow and her young taking a breakfast break on a fall morning in the Temperance River dead waters.
A rather large bull moose in a clearing near Tofte, MN

I hope these little tips and pointers can help you encounter one of my favorite creatures to see and photograph in our forest. Patience, perseverance, countless trips into the woods, a little knowledge of your quarry and a little luck will all help you on your quest. It can be addicting looking for these massive mammals. I hope these pointers help, and I hope you can finally check it off your list this fall. Send me a picture if you do! Happy moosing!

A massive bull moose for Minnesota, or anywhere for that matter. A true King of the Forest.

Moose, Northern Lights, Fall Colors and a 2023 Calendar Preview of Minnesota North Shore Wonders

It’s been a spectacular fall this 2022 season. We had a brief, early start in September, with nice weather leading into a peak color season that lingered well into October. The shore was especially vibrant, it seemed, this fall. There seemed to be a proper “peak” that encompassed the whole forest for a week or more. Often times, the reds and higher country will have come and gone before the areas near Lake Superior have peaked, but things seemed to synch up for a spell. I’ll include a few photos I haven’t posted yet. I’ve also had a lot of moose encounters so far this fall. The mating season, or “rut, has come and gone for the most part and moose can often be found grouped up, just hanging around together for a few weeks after mating. I’ve captured a few moose photos this fall that I really like. A couple even made it into the 2023 calendar! We’ve also had a few signs of the coming winter, which could begin any day in the northland! Some areas of the North Shore woods have already seen some snow and definitely a few good frosts. It’s made for some nice photo opportunities, extending the fall color photo season even longer 🙂 Add in a few northern lights displays earlier this fall, and it’s been hard to beat. I’ve added a few photos from those displays in this post too. We even picked up a rare SAR arc in the night sky which I’ll include a picture or two of.

The soft, tranquil silence of the first snow fall in Superior National Forest
My 2023 calendar is for sale! Thank you all for the support each year. I really appreciate each and every purchase. I’ve included beautiful Lake Superior, some moose out in Superior National Forest, some other wildlife and some northern lights over the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. See the links I’ve included.

Here is a little preview of my 2023 calendar I have for sale. You’ll see northern lights over the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, massive Minnesota moose in Superior National Forest, a few of Lake Superior’s seasonal moods and a few other surprises and landscapes. I don’t like to spam you all too much or too often, but a few times a year I have an offering like the calendars that I’ll promote through the holidays 🙂 I always appreciate the print and calendar purchases. They allow me to continue bringing you some of the images you enjoy here and on social media. Thanks for taking a look at this link for this years Minnesota’s North Shore – Woods Waters and Wilds – A 2023 Calendar

Fall color season has come and gone although some of my Favorite, the golden tamarack are now the main feature in the North Shore woods. Here are a few photos from the past few weeks.

Tamarack in golden yellow with the first touches of snow
A carpeted path of autumn leaves leading to Lake Superior
The furrowed brow of fall. The natural potholes on the shoreline at Temperance River State Park collecting the fallen fall foliage.
A beauty view from Carlton Peak
The 1000 foot Mesabi Miner and Lake Superior from the Sawbill Trail.
Fall splendor
Brilliant fall color in Superior National Forest

Fall is such a great time to photograph moose in and around the Superior National Forest and Boundary Waters Canoe Area. The moose become a little more active in September and October. The moose mating season begins in September and is done by early October, for the most part. It can be an exciting time to see moose. The bulls have shed their velvet coating from their antlers revealing a shiny, new rack on their heads, hoping to attract a mate. You can often encounter males with females and males together often trying to attract the same females. It keeps the moose active, and a little more distracted and less worried about us picture takers and gawkers 🙂 I saw a very large bull as well as a few others so far this fall.

A big bruiser in the North Shore woods
Backside view of this big moose’s antlers
A bull, cow and last year’s calf are silhouetted in pre-dawn light
An iconic Minnesota morning scene
First frost and a nice sized moose
This bull was heavily in rut and was responsive to my calls.
Another silhouette…

The northern lights have been adding a little fall color of their own. September provided a couple of wonderful evenings under the dark, northern skies. As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, our chances increase for seeing these wonders in our skies. With darkness coming on so early in fall and winter, we can often see the northern lights well before bedtime 😃 Here are a handful of recent aurora images.

The aurora borealis over the Temperance River with an SAR arc forming – Minnesota
SAR arc and the Milky Way in Superior National Forest
The northern lights and moonlight shadows over a swampy creek
Fantastic overhead aurora
A brief, spectacular display of aurora over Superior National Forest – Minnesota
Tofte Park and the northern lights
Lake Superior and Aurora Borealis in Tofte, MN
Foggy autumn morning on Crescent Lake in Superior National Forest

Hope you’ve enjoyed this little fall recap. It’s always a favorite time of year for many, including myself. The fast, constant change is pretty fascinating to witness. Winter will soon bring another major change to the landscape, so I’ll enjoy these fleeting fall days while I can now. Thanks again for taking a look at and ordering calendars, too. I appreciate it!

Fall Photos – A Fogbow! – A Big Moose – A Broken Antler – And A 2022 Wildlife Calendar

A Bull Moose and Some Fall Color in the Background – Superior National Forest – Minnesota

I hope everyone is having a fantastic fall season. We have finally been hit with rain off and on for a few weeks. It’s been a much needed reprieve from the dry summer. Fire bans are off, the BWCA and surrounding areas are open, and foggy and rainy has been the norm for a bit lately. The rains seemed to save the fall color season to some extent. September was gorgeous and the yellows of October are here, including the glowing tamarack trees deeper in the forest. It’s also been a moosey fall season! Ill share a few encounters as well as some fall photos in this post. I’ll also share a couple video links and a link to buy my 2022 Wildlife Calendar. I always appreciate the support!

A Black Bear Crossing a Forest Road on a Fall Color Tour

Quiet October Morning at the Sawbill Lake Entry Point to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.

So, here’s a fun phenomenon I encountered this fall. Have you ever seen a FOGBOW on Lake Superior?? It’s formed much like a rainbow, but in the fog, usually quite low to the water and when the fog is burning off or fading in the mid day sun(here on the North Shore, anyway). The tiny droplets that make up fog are the cause of the lack of color in the fogbow. You can faintly see color at the top and bottom of the bow, sometimes. Here’s a YouTube video minute of one.

A Minnesota Bull Moose Peering Through the Trees
An Autumn Cruise on the Hjordis in the Grand Marais Harbor – Lake Superior – Minnesota

I have had some fun moose encounters over the past couple months. In one instance, I came across a scene in a road where there was an obvious bull moose fight. In addition to the dirt road being torn up with hoof prints, digging and sliding, there was also a brand new, busted off antler! It must have been one hell of a fight and I JUST missed it. I also have bumped into one MASSIVE bull moose this fall. I will include photos and video below. Thanks for taking a look, and thank you for your calendar orders! Links are above.

A Freshly Broken Moose Antler and Signs of a Struggle in the Road – Moose Rut
A few scenes with a massive Minnesota moose
Bull Moose with a shrub stuck in his antlers from rubbing the ground and raking the brush
Another view of “Octo” the bull
Another Side View
Mr October
Morning Smoke on the Water – Sea Smoke –
A Moose in the Foggy Mist
A long view down a long stretch
Carlton Peak – Tofte, MN
Happy Fall!
Cross Fox reminds you to order your 2022 calendar!

Two 2020 Calendars and a Lot of Fall Photos

I’ve got a ton of fall photos to share. It seemed like a long, vivid and memorable fall color season. Early September was showing nice reds and oranges in areas already, giving way to 3 weeks of bright yellow, orange and red autumn change along the Sawtooth Mountains and surrounding woods. October started just as colorful with the yellows along the shore filling in and the blazing yellow tamarack following back in the forest. The October 12-13 snowfall added to the mix and really capped of a great color season. Now, with the leaves all gone and the tamarack starting to fade, we move into the next phase of fall. Another season of change and beauty all it’s own. Below I will share a lot of fall photos I haven’t really posted anywhere. Thanks for taking a look.

I also have 2020 Calendars available for purchase now. I made two different calendars, all with different images. The Up North – Superior Country Calendar is all landscapes of Lake Superior, the surrounding woods and the BWCA. The Superior Wildlife Calendar is all wildlife from the woods of the Arrowhead region. You can take a look at a preview and order at the links or this link below. I appreciate your support. They would make great gifts. Print within 5 days of order and shipping info will be shown when you order. Plenty of time for holiday deliveries. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ThomasSpence

And now some more fall color photos from the past month or so…

Gold Against Carlton Peak
Fall in the Fog
Blazing early color
Male and female spruce grouse in fall foliage
Lusen views from the Honeymoon Trail area
Big Fall Bull
Foggy fall mornings in Superior National Forest
Milky Way at Sawbill Lake – Boundary Waters Canoe Area
Fall – Minnesota
Welcome to Superior National Forest
Tofte Park Bridge
Fall Walk Around
the layers of autumn color
Seagull River on the Gunflint Trail in full fall color
Carlton Peak
Carlton Peak one week later
October snowfall
Temperance River Valley Fog
Snow Grove
Same Grove Different Day
That snow though…
Tamarack Flocked Forest
Fall Blanketed in White
Reflections and Morning fog
Spruce Grouse in snow and foliage
Big bull in the snow
The Temperance River Valley and a flocking of snowfall on the autumn woods.

Summer So Far in Pictures…

It’s been a fun summer for wildlife and landscapes in Minnesota’s Arrowhead region. I have spent a lot of time working on the Gunflint Trail and the rest of my time exploring and photographing the rest of Cook County, mostly on the backroads and at the edge of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Here is a selection of photos that may or may not have been shared on my social media pages. We still have plenty summer left, so I’ll update and do another post a little closer to fall. Thanks for stopping to take a look. As always, you can browse more photos for viewing and for purchase at my Gallery Site by using this link. Photo Gallery

Morning fog on a canoe country lake as a camper enjoys coffee by the shore.

I have had numerous moose sightings this summer. I think I have already seen more moose this summer than I did all of last summer. This young bull ate in a swampy river area for 30 minutes one cool morning at sunrise as fog moved across the water.

Turtles have been abundant. Early summer, our painted and snapping turtles can be seen along roadsides near lakes, swamps and rivers as they lay their eggs. It is a time to use caution, but it is a great opportunity to see turtles somewhat close. Of course, do not disturb them as they are digging and laying eggs. Give them and all wildlife a respectable amount of space. Pictured here are a couple Snapping turtle shells and an odd, deformed painted turtle. The painted turtle has a condition known as kyphosis. Kyphosis is a condition that causes an abnormal, convex curvature of the spine. It happens in humans as well as turtles. I had never witnessed this condition in our painted turtles.

Working this summer in the mid Gunflint Trail area has provided a few fun wildlife sightings. The early morning commute was good for a handful of great, yet brief moose sightings. This red fox greeted us many mornings at our jobsite on a BWCA entry point lake. Some mornings, it would be sitting in the grass nearby when we arrived.

Red Fox near a BWCA entry point lake.
Our red fox friend was often willing to pose for a photo before it moved on.
Cabin Reflections off the Gunflint Trail

I have had numerous wolf sightings and encounters this summer as well. They are always pretty shy, but this one cooperated for photos

Gray wolf – Superior National Forest
Gray wolf in the tall grass
This gray wolf wasn’t too impressed with me taking it’s photo. 🙂

More moose! This healthy looking cow moose gave me a few minutes of photo opportunities. She looked pretty flighty at first, but she calmed down and allowed me to take a few photos and some video as she chewed on the grass and brush one morning near the edge of the BWCA wilderness.

Cow moose and a sideways glance
Canoe country sunset at Sawbill Lake – Boundary Waters

And a few more summer photos from the past few weeks in the forest. Still plenty of summer left, so I will be back with more in a few weeks. In the meantime, keep following on Facebook and Instagram for more weekly photos from Minnesota’s wildest, most beautiful area. The woods and lakes and shores of Superior National Forest.

Bald eagle eyeing up lunch in Superior National Forest
Morning light and morning fog in canoe country
Lupine, morning fog and morning light on an inland swamp